SPLASH 2018 (series) / Benjamin Hocking

Registered user since Fri 13 Jul 2018
Name:Benjamin Hocking
Principal Scientist at Dependable Computing in Charlottesville, VA, working on formal specifications, requirements gathering, safety case engineering, and other safety-critical and security-critical software engineering issues. PhD in Computer Science from the University of Virginia, with dissertation involving a genetic algorithm exploration of neural network models of the hippocampus. Masters degrees in Physics/Astronomy (involving General Relativity and alternate space-time metrics) and Computer Science (involving improving multi-processor implementations of hippocampal neural network simulations).
Country:United States
Affiliation:Dependable Computing, LLC
Personal website: http://www.dependablecomputing.com/
Research interests:Formal methods, theorem provers, safety cases, assurance arguments, neural networks, genetic algorithms
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