The field of software language engineering (SLE) has emerged based on a strong motivation to connect and integrate different research disciplines such as compiler construction, reverse engineering, software transformation, model-driven engineering, and ontologies. SLE is defined as the application of systematic, disciplined, and measurable approaches to the development, deployment, use, and maintenance of software languages.

The Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge (SLEBoK) is a community-wide effort to provide a unique and comprehensive description of the concepts, tools and methods developed by the SLE community. It features artefacts, definitions, methods, techniques, best practices, open challenges, case studies, teaching material, and other components that would help students, researchers, teachers, and practitioners to learn from, to better leverage, to better contribute to, and to better disseminate the intellectual contributions and practical tools and techniques coming from the SLE field.

The SLEBoK workshop is a continuation of efforts from the SLEBoK Dagstuhl Seminar of 2017, as well as earlier brainstorming events like the SL(E)BOK workshop at SLE 2012. At Dagstuhl, we have formulated some research directions and goals, the report on which was positively received at SPLASH 2017. With this workshop, we push the existing working groups forward, open them for new members and possibly form new ones

Call for Presentations

You are invited to submit a position statement centred around ongoing and planned activities on topics related to creating, refining and improving the Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge. Submissions will be screened by the workshop chairs and possibly receive gentle guidance if accepted. The presentations may concern topics like the following:

  • reuse and modularity in specifications of software languages
  • using attribute grammars in software language engineering
  • establishing basic terminological definitions, organising them into an ontology
  • providing a practical guide to parsing for outsiders
  • software language engineering curriculum in software education
  • identifying open challenges in software language engineering
  • providing an overview of program transformation methodologies
  • linking SLE perspective to a related domain (e.g., MDE, BX, PLT)

There will be no pre-proceedings, but a post-workshop report will be written by the participants, with sections by different authors sharing their experiences and advancements.

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Sun 4 Nov

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09:00 - 10:00
Opening SessionSLEBoK at Newbury
Chair(s): Vadim Zaytsev Raincode Labs
Day opening
Welcome and introduction to SLEBoK and participants
Vadim Zaytsev Raincode Labs, Eric Van Wyk University of Minnesota, USA
Presentations from working group chairs

Short proposals for new related SLEBoK project

Planning and organization for the day

10:30 - 12:00
Working Session ISLEBoK at Newbury
Split into small groups, work on SLEBoK tasks, morning

13:30 - 15:00
Working Session IISLEBoK at Newbury
Split into small groups, work on SLEBoK tasks, afternoon

18:00: SLEBoK Workshop Dinner

  • Many good venues with good food, beer, and wine can be found in the area to provide a venue for even more SLEBoK discussion!