Welcome to SPLASH 2018!
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH 2018 will take place in Boston from Sunday 4th to Friday 9th of November 2018.
SPLASH includes the following co-located conferences: OOPSLA, Onward!, GPCE, SLE, and DLS; as well as sixteen workshops.
The SPLASH-I talk series features thirty-five talks targeting practitioners. In the evenings, attendees can join one of the eight meetup groups held at MIT and Northeastern University.
Students curious about research can attend the Programming Language Mentoring Workshop and our Mentoring Breakfasts. Students who have some research under their belt can either take part in the Student Research Competition or the Doctoral Symposium. For educators, the SPLASH-E sessions will have invited talks and discussions.
OOSPLA is committed to open and reproducible science. All papers are published in gold open access with PACMPL. Scientific claims are evaluated by the Artifact Evaluation Committee.
For video recording of the keynotes and talks of the various SPLASH events, please see this youtube channel.