SPLASH 2018 (series) / Andrew Black

Registered user since Wed 26 Mar 2014
Name:Andrew Black
My research interests are in the area of programming languages, operating systems, object-oriented systems and distributed computing, and more specifically in the region where they overlap (such as language design for distributed Object-oriented computing.) My favorite system for trying out ideas was for many years Squeak Smalltalk; I was an active worker on Traits, along with with the folks from SCG in Bern. I’m a co-author of two books on Smalltalk programming, Squeak by Example, and Pharo By Example. For the last five years I’ve been engaged in developing the Grace programming language, an object-oriented programing language designed for teaching novices. See gracelang.org for details.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Portland State University
Personal website: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~black
Research interests:programming language design, object-oriented programming, distributed programming languages.
- Static & Dynamic Typing in Grace
- Teaching programming with Grace at Portland State
- A Tour of Grace
- SmallGrace: Grace in Pharo Smalltalk
- Early Experience with Grace at Pomona College
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the GRACE 2018-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the GRACE 2018-track
SPLASH 2018-profile
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