SPLASH 2018 (series) / Murali Krishna Ramanathan

Registered user since Tue 20 Jan 2015
Name:Murali Krishna Ramanathan
Murali Krishna Ramanathan is a member of the Programming Systems group at Uber Technologies, USA. He works on the design and implementation of program analysis tools directed towards improving the quality and performance of Uber applications. Previously, he was a member of the core analysis team at Coverity and built program analysis tools that are widely used in the software industry. He is a recipient of the Google faculty research award (2015) and ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper award (ISSTA 2016). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University, USA.
Country:United States
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/mkramanathan/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Software Engineering
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