SPLASH 2018 (series) / Sebastian Erdweg

Registered user since Thu 29 May 2014
Name:Sebastian Erdweg
My team works on programming tools that supply developers with actionable feedback during development. Feedback is actionable if it is relevant to the programmer’s task, if the programmer can rely on its correctness, and if it arrives in a timely manner. The feedback we derive protects developers against introducing unsafe code, security vulnerabilities, and specification violations, yet it also informs development tools such as compiler optimizations and refactorings. To address this vision, we conduct basic research in programming languages, algorithms, and software verification that enables actionable feedback in a form that is useful in practice.
Affiliation:TU Delft
Personal website: http://erdweg.org
- Speaker in Speakers within the SPLASH-I-track
- Incrementalizing Lattice-Based Program Analyses in Datalog
- Declarative Specification of Indentation Rules: A Tooling Perspective on Parsing and Pretty-Printing Layout-Sensitive Languages
- Better living through incrementality: Immediate static analysis feedback without loss of precision
- Incrementalizing Lattice-Based Program Analyses
SPLASH 2018-profile
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