SPLASH 2018 (series) / Wolfgang De Meuter

Registered user since Mon 20 Oct 2014
Name:Wolfgang De Meuter
Affiliation:Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Personal website: https://soft.vub.ac.be/soft/users/wdmeuter
- Skitter: A DSL for Distributed Reactive Workflows
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the REBLS 2018-track
- Welcome and Opening Remarks
- DISCOPAR: A Visual Reactive Programming Language for Generating Cloud-based Participatory Sensing Platforms
- Composable Higher-Order Reactors as the Basis for a Live Reactive Programming Environment
- Committee Member in Academic Panel within the DocSymposium-track
- A Mete Rete Interface For Perpetually Online Distributed Rule-Based Systems
- DISCOPAR: A Visual Reactive Programming Language for Generating Cloud-based Participatory Sensing Platforms
- Orchestrating Dynamic Analyses of Distributed Processes for Full-Stack JavaScript Programs
- Chocola: Integrating Futures, Actors, and Transactions
- Skitter: A DSL for Distributed Reactive Workflows
SPLASH 2018-profile
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