Registered user since Tue 16 May 2017
Elena Glassman is an EECS postdoctoral researcher at the Berkeley Institute of Design, advised by Bjoern Hartmann and Marti Hearst. She earned her EECS PhD at MIT CSAIL in August 2016, where she created scalable systems that analyze, visualize, and provide insight into the code of thousands of programming students. Prior to entering the field of human-computer interaction, she earned her M.Eng. in the MIT CSAIL Robot Locomotion Group. She has been a visiting researcher at the Stanford Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab and a summer research intern at both Google and Microsoft Research, working on systems that help people teach and learn. She was awarded the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award, both the NSF and NDSEG graduate fellowships, the MIT EECS Oral Master’s Thesis Presentation Award, a Best of CHI Honorable Mention, and the MIT Amar Bose Teaching Fellowship for innovation in teaching methods.
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