Registered user since Mon 23 Jul 2018
Mihaela Sabin is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of New Hampshire. Her current research includes computing education, curriculum development, broadening participation in computing, and open source software collaborative platforms. Sabin chaired the ACM/IEEE IT2017 task group, who authored the “Curriculum Guidelines for Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Information Technology” report. She received external funding awards from the National Science Foundation, Google for Education, New Hampshire Innovation Research Center, and other private and corporate foundations for projects that support broadening participation of students underrepresented in computing and expanding professional learning of computational practices for K-12 teachers. Sabin serves as ACM SIGITE Vice-Chair for Education and represents SIGITE on the ACM Education Council. She is also co-chair of the Workforce Development Committee of the New Hampshire Tech Alliance. Sabin has an M.S. in Computer Science from “Politehnica” University in Bucharest, Romania, and an M.S. for Teachers in College Teaching and Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of New Hampshire.
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