SPLASH 2018 (series) / Thomas Kühn

Registered user since Fri 12 Dec 2014
Name:Thomas Kühn
Thomas Kühn is a member of the Software Engineering group of the TU Dresden. His research interests include software engineering for continuous context-sensitive software systems, role-based design and programming, conceptual modeling of dynamic context-dependent domains, formal verification of software systems, feature oriented software and language product lines. Currently he has a position within the DFG research training school on “Role-oriented Software Infrastructures” (RoSI), where he is writing his PhD thesis about “A Family of Role-based Modeling and Programming Languages”.
Affiliation:Technische Universität Dresden
Personal website: http://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~s4560758/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Modeling Languages, Formal Languages
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