Events (43 results)

Welcome to the HILT 2018 Workshop

HILT 2018 When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 08:30 - 09:15 People: Tucker Taft

… Welcome to the HILT 2018 Workshop …

Thinking Outside the Blocks

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 13:10 - 14:10 People: R. Benjamin Shapiro

… Since their introduction in the early 1990s, blocks have been a valuable …, and blocks do little to assist with many other problems in learning to program. Workshops and other venues focused on blocks qua blocks offer an unnecessarily limiting …

Building an Accessible Block Environment

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 14:10 - 14:20 People: Emmanuel Schanzer, Sina Bahram, Shriram Krishnamurthi

… We discuss a toolkit that provides a fully-accessible block environment, for multiple languages. The toolkit generates (1) a block editor that uses standard … of a block from the visual or textual syntax of that block. This effectively …

Panel: Block Abstractions for Artificial Intelligence

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 10:30 - 11:00 People: Evan W Patton, Stefania Druga, Jessica Van Brummelen, Joe Mazzone, Xavier Puig Fernandez

Block-based programming languages, such as Scratch and MIT App Inventor, make …. As technology advances, so do the abilities of such block-based programming … (AI) abstractions in block-based languages. Specifically, it will address block

TypeScript: From JavaScript to Blockly and Back

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 14:30 - 14:35 People: Thomas Ball, Peli de Halleux, Sam El-Husseini, Richard Knoll, Michał Moskal

… the gap between JavaScript and Blockly, a framework for creating block-based … errors. In particular, we define a mapping from TypeScript to Blockly that makes it simple to create a domain-specific Blockly editor for a JavaScript library via …

Two New Block Features in GP

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 16:25 - 16:30 People: John Maloney

… I will demo and discuss two little blocks language affordances that have been working nicely in GP:

  1. Variadic blocks that can be extended to take additional inputs, including a variadic if that can be expanded …

Language Workbench Support for Block-Based DSLs

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 14:20 - 14:25 People: Mauricio Verano Merino, Tijs van der Storm

Block-based languages offer notable advantages for bringing domain-specific …, the construction of block-based languages is still a rather ad hoc and low-level … support for block-based languages. In particular we address dedicated meta languages …

Rapid Prototyping for Blocks-based Languages and Environments

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 14:25 - 14:30 People: Josh Caldwell, Josh Lory

… designed around Blockly, which has allowed us to create customized programming environments that are accessible to young students. Creating Blockly-based … developed a web-based toolkit for developing new blockly libraries allowing much …

Accessibility and Block-based Languages: Challenges and Opportunities

BLOCKS+ People: Stephanie Ludi

… This presentation will discuss current issues in accessibility to block-based … will be presented, using Blockly as an example, though the intent is to provide a generalized … systems in the field. Demos of current work with Blockly will provide some …

Enhancing and Evaluating Collaborative Blocks Programming in App Inventor

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 15:30 - 15:35 People: Alissa Tinney, Xinhui Xu

… App Inventor is a web-based blocks programming environment that allows people of all ages and experiences to build mobile apps.

App Inventor was initially … in blocks programming environments. …

Broadening Participation in Computer Science through Block Programming

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:00 - 11:10 People: Beryl Hoffman, Ralph Morelli, Jennifer Rosato

Block languages like App Inventor make coding and computer science more accessible to students with no experience, broadening participation in computer science … CSP course uses App Inventor, a block-based mobile programming language …

Eclipse OMR: Building Blocks for Polyglot

TURBO When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 08:30 - 09:00 People: Xiaoli Liang

… …

The Example Guru: Suggesting Examples to Novice Blocks Programmers in an Artifact-Based Context Increases Use of New Blocks

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 09:15 - 09:20 People: Michelle Brachman, Caitlin Kelleher

… Children often begin to learn programming in blocks programming environments … available alongside blocks programming environments, such as tutorials …-sensitive suggestion system for the Looking Glass blocks programming environment …

A Blocks-Based Approach to Internet of Things in MIT App Inventor

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:31 - 11:34 People: Wen Xi, Evan W Patton

… of blocks-based approaches exist for programming some hardware, such as Snap …. In this paper, we propose a block-based programming approach using MIT App Inventor …. We also review other block languages applied for IoT. We conclude with some …

Coding while Making: using Blocks Language in a Physical Computing Setting

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 09:00 - 09:05 People: Karen H. Jin

Blocks languages have been very well received in recent years thanks …. An integration of blocks programming with physical computing has become increasingly …, through blocks languages and hands-on computing media. In a summer camp for 5-7th …

Custom Blocks in StarLogo Nova: A Template-Based Approach to Abstraction for Improved Ease of Use and Expressive Power

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 16:20 - 16:25 People: Hyeonsu Kang, David Wu, Daniel Wendel

… Many blocks-based programming environments allow the creation of custom blocks … to a procedure/function definition feature. Custom blocks in these systems are intended to be used like procedures, and creating a custom block has similar …

SIGAda Awards and Sponsor Intros

HILT 2018 When: Tue 6 Nov 2018 08:30 - 08:45 People: Tucker Taft

… Awards for Ada Community and SIGAda Contributions; Introductions and Thanks to HILT 2018 Sponsors …

6:30PM HILT Banquet at Legal Seafoods, Park Plaza, preceded by SIGAda EC meeting from 5:15 to 6:15PM

HILT 2018 When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 16:55 - 17:00

… SIGAda EC Meeting 17:15-18:15 HILT 2018 Banquet 18:30-20:30 at Legal Seafoods, Park Plaza …

Beyond "I'm done": Encouraging deeper exploration of challenging computational concepts

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 09:10 - 09:15 People: Paulina Haduong, Karen Brennan

… , a summer 2018 21-day creative programming challenge for K-12 educators. …Blocks-based programming environments are productive environments for novice programmers because they offer opportunities to minimize syntax errors and help …

Reducing the Barriers for Computational Action: How Blocks-Based Programming Can Support Digital Empowerment

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:10 - 11:20 People: Mike Tissenbaum, Josh Sheldon, Hal Abelson

… …

Multi-Device Grace

GRACE 2018 When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:15 - 11:25 People: Craig Anslow, Ben Selwyn-Smith, Michael Homer

… -Device Grace_ using Tiled Grace for block-based programming. Our tool allows collaborative, block-based programming on multiple devices including tabletops, touch … on various devices, and to share blocks amongst devices. …

The POSIX shell is an interactive DSL for concurrency

DSLDI 2018 When: Tue 6 Nov 2018 14:30 - 15:00 People: Michael Greenberg

… . What makes the POSIX shell so good at interactivity [Greenberg 2018

Relit: Typed Literal Macros for Reason

Meta When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 11:30 - 12:00 People: Cyrus Omar, Charles Chamberlain

… to programmers in various domains.

In a paper that appeared at ICFP 2018

Multi-Device Grace

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 15:45 - 15:50 People: Ben Selwyn-Smith, Craig Anslow, Michael Homer

… for blocks based programming called Multi Device Grace. Our tool allows collaborative block based programming on multiple devices including tabletops, touch … on different devices and to share blocks amongst devices. …

SWAN: A Program Analysis Framework for Swift

NJR When: Tue 6 Nov 2018 16:00 - 16:30 People: Karim Ali

… Swift is an open-source programming language and Apple’s recommended choice for development for their mobile operating system, iOS, and their desktop operating system, macOS. In August 2018, StatCounter estimates that iPhones and iPads …

Concurrent Garbage Collection in the Actor Model

AGERE When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 14:00 - 14:30 People: Dan Plyukhin, Gul Agha

… detection and could become a building-block for a new family of non-blocking

JSON Interoperability in MIT App Inventor

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 16:30 - 16:35 People: Evan W Patton, Danny Tang

Block languages abstract away the syntax of languages and allow for people … the MIT App Inventor platform. We then introduce a new block to show how further abstractions within the blocks language can simplify access while making it more …

Twopy: A Just-In-Time Compiler For Python Based On Code Specialization

VMIL 2018 When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 15:55 - 16:15 People: Julien Pagès, Marc Feeley

… Python with code specialization. We will use the Basic-Block Versioning technique … operations. In the future we plan to extend basic block versioning to handle …

Educational Robotics with a Twist

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:28 - 11:31 People: Hamid Zare, Miklos Maroti, Akos Ledeczi

… We present a novel way to program wireless networked educational robots. RoboScape is a new service that we added to NetsBlox, a collaborative, blocks-based programming environment based on Snap! NetsBlox provides simple abstractions …

Reacting to stream-based programming bugs

REBLS 2018 When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 09:15 - 10:00 People: Murali Krishna Ramanathan

… the checker to two Uber apps, where it currently runs on every code change and blocks

Multi-Device Grace

Posters When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 18:35 - 18:37Wed 7 Nov 2018 18:49 - 18:51 People: Ben Selwyn-Smith, Craig Anslow, Michael Homer

… for blocks based programming called Multi Device Grace. Our tool allows collaborative block based programming on multiple devices including tabletops, touch … on different devices and to share blocks amongst devices. …

Abstractionless Programming in App Inventor

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 09:05 - 09:10 People: Audrey Seo

… App Inventor is a web-based blocks programming environment that allows people of all ages and experiences to build mobile apps, introducing new programmers … cannot be extracted into a procedure without using the rarely used blocks

Rethinking OOP in Snap!

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 16:15 - 16:20 People: Jens Mönig, Brian Harvey, Jadga Hügle

… Many current novice programming environments offer a “sprite”- based microworld, in which cartoon-like actor objects interact with each other and the user by way of events triggering the execution of stacks of “blocks” representing …

Real-time Collaboration and Undo in StarLogo Nova: Technical Approach and Considerations for UX Design

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 15:35 - 15:40 People: Denis Li, Lisa Stump, Daniel Wendel

… Several blocks-based programming tools have recently incorporated real-time collaboration features. Some draft approaches we have seen achieve inter-user consistency by using abstract object-state synchronization libraries, but provide …

Implementing a semi-causal domain-specific language for context detection over binary sensors

GPCE 2018 When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 14:30 - 15:00 People: Nic Volanschi, Bernard Serpette, Charles Consel

… , because semi-causal sub-expressions may block waiting for future events, thus …

DevTech Lab - KIBO and ScratchJr Demo

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 11:34 - 11:37 People: Catherine Cowell, Hannah Riehl, Marina Umaschi Bers

… Join us for a hands-on KIBO robotics and ScratchJr programming demo! Both of these environments are playfully designed for young children to learn how to use coding to express themselves. KIBO is a tangible block-based coding language …

Scratch 3.0 Design Notes

BLOCKS+ When: Sun 4 Nov 2018 16:35 - 16:40 People: Andrew Sliwinski, Karishma Chadha

… . Scratch 3.0 is introducing a new system of Extensions, sets of blocks that extend …

The Future of AI: Machine Programmers and Their Necessary Self-Awareness

SPLASH-I When: Tue 6 Nov 2018 15:30 - 16:30 People: Justin Gottschlich

… and software building blocks through machine learning (ML). Adaptation emphasizes …

BioScript: Programming Safe Chemistry on Laboratories-on-a-Chip

OOPSLA When: Wed 7 Nov 2018 15:52 - 16:15 People: Jason Ott, Tyson Loveless, Chris Curtis, Mohsen Lesani, Philip Brisk

blocks. Results are obtained using both a cycle-accurate microfluidic simulator …

MadMax: Surviving Out-of-Gas Conditions in Ethereum Smart Contracts

Posters People: Neville Grech, Michael Kong, Anton Jurisevic, Lexi Brent, Bernhard Scholz, Yannis Smaragdakis

… (e.g., wasting or blocking funds of said victim). Gas-focused vulnerabilities …

MadMax: Surviving Out-of-Gas Conditions in Ethereum Smart Contracts

OOPSLA When: Wed 7 Nov 2018 13:52 - 14:15 People: Neville Grech, Michael Kong, Anton Jurisevic, Lexi Brent, Bernhard Scholz, Yannis Smaragdakis

… (e.g., wasting or blocking funds of said victim). Gas-focused vulnerabilities …

Finding Broken Promises in Asynchronous JavaScript Programs

OOPSLA When: Fri 9 Nov 2018 11:37 - 12:00 People: Saba Alimadadi, Di Zhong, Magnus Madsen, Frank Tip

… Recently, promises were added to ECMAScript 6, the JavaScript standard, in order to provide better support for the asynchrony that arises in user interfaces, network communication, and non blocking I/O. Using promises, programmers can …

Finding Broken Promises in Asynchronous JavaScript Programs

Posters When: Mon 5 Nov 2018 17:39 - 17:41Wed 7 Nov 2018 19:13 - 19:16 People: Saba Alimadadi, Di Zhong, Magnus Madsen, Frank Tip

… Recently, promises were added to ECMAScript 6, the JavaScript standard, in order to provide better support for the asynchrony that arises in user interfaces, network communication, and non blocking I/O. Using promises, programmers can …